My Novels

What happened to The Hall of the Wood?!

imageThe eBook version of The Hall of the Wood is no longer for sale on Amazon, B&N, Kobo, iTunes, or Smashwords. No, it wasn't pulled by those retailers. The reason you can't buy it currently is because I'm making preparations for a book re-launch.

The Hall of the Wood has not gotten the attention it deserves from me or from readers. I'm to blame on both counts. While it actually has gotten some decent reviews, I don't do a lot to promote it. I did the cover myself after buying the base art. It did not get the proper amount of editing. It's suffered more because of that than anything else. That's all going to change.

First, I had a new cover done up by someone who specializes in book covers and who came highly recommended from a multitude of sources. I've got that in-hand now, though I'm sitting on it for the time being. Second, the manuscript is off to an editor whom I expect to send more work to in the near future (the 2nd book in The Alchemancer series is getting close to being done). This person also comes highly recommended and is in high enough demand that I don't expect to get anything back from him until mid-May. That puts the new release sometime around late May most likely.

The reason I've pulled the book for the time being is because I want my best foot forward at all times now. I've gotten more serious about writing in the past couple of years and have come to realize that any thing that's "out there" needs to be of the very best quality.

More details on the re-launch later, but what I have in mind is this:

  1. "Soft" release of the new book with new cover and new edits. This will be a 2nd Edition to distinguish it from what's come before.
  2. Notify readers on my mailing list of new release and opportunity to download a free copy.
  3. Goodreads giveaway of 3-5 print copies
  4. Extend my 'get a free eBook copy in exchange for a review' policy
  5. Official cover reveal
  6. Official book re-release

That's the initial, rough plan anyway.

Also, I've been considering a sequel. If I had more time it'd be a no-brainer. There are a lot of possibilities there. It's something I've been kicking around.

As an added incentive to sign-up for my mailing list, anyone who's receiving it at the time of the "soft" release will get a free, 2nd edition eBook copy of The Hall of the Wood. Yep, that's right. Sign-up for my email list now and you'll get a coupon to download a free copy of the new book right around the end of May.

I'm pretty excited about this. The new cover is fantastic looking and I think the manuscript is going to come back from my editor with a whole new sheen on it. Stay tuned.

Join my reader's group and get The Hall of Riddles (An Alchemancer Prequel) and The Assassin's Dilemma (An Assassin Without a Name Prequel) as a welcome gift.

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