Character ProfilesThe Alchemancer series

Erlek Abn Nee

The character profile for Erlek Abn Nee from The Alchemancer series is now live on my Patreon.

What is this character profile you speak of?

About what it sounds like. I've always wanted to create profiles of my characters. Not just a brief textual summary, which is something I do anyway behind the scenes when I'm writing a book, but something that contains illustrations, quotes, background information, special skills or abilities, and a favorite quote. You know, a lot like something you'd see in a Dungeons & Dragons book. All of that is achievable with the exception of the one component that really makes something like this pop: the illustrations. Unfortunately, hiring a professional artist for a project like this is cost-prohibitive. This is where AI-generated art shines. With the right license, one can produce as many images each month as your tokens will allow. I use Leonardo.AI for my character illustrations. Like many, I'm continuing to learn the best way to craft prompts to produce the best images possible, but I think they look pretty good for a beginner, especially for someone whose creative skill lies in writing, not graphical art.

There are many more character profiles to come!

The first character profile I published is for the Assassin Without a Name. Aaron Shepherd was the next, and so on. You can view them all here. I plan to highlight each of the major characters as well as many of the minor or supporting ones from my books. I'm especially having a fun time providing more details about some of the villains (like Isadora Bloodstone or Ao-utet). Look for the next one in the near future.

In the meantime, take a look at the character profile for Erlek Abn Nee.

Join my reader's group and get The Hall of Riddles (An Alchemancer Prequel) and The Assassin's Dilemma (An Assassin Without a Name Prequel) as a welcome gift.

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