The Alchemist's Forge


Book Four of the Alchemancer Series

The Alchemist's Forge

About the Book

Eslar invaders occupy half of Brighton. The elemental nexus spirals into instability. A sitheri magi lurks in the shadows, pulling strings and threatening all life. The Alchemancer series continues.

Aaron never thought he’d have to navigate through an elemental maelstrom, but then he never thought he’d find himself trapped in the Underland, either. He’s traveled deep into the earth and is prepared to travel even deeper to find the alchemist’s forge, where he hopes to fabricate a device capable of correcting the elemental instability and saving everyone from annihilation or worse.

Though revenge remains elusive, Ensel Rhe knows the true face of his enemy now. With his adversary far away in the Grimmere, he turns his attention toward destroying the infernal machine at the center of it all, even though such destruction will destroy Brighton along with it.

Serena has lost control of her magic twice now, and too many have paid the price. Yet she is determined to never let it happen again. But her desire to save her people means facing the deadliest of sorcerers. Can she control her magic against such a foe? Does she even want to?

Science and sorcery collide in The Alchemist’s Forge, the fourth book in the Alchemancer fantasy adventure series. Continue your reading adventure today.

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Sample Chapters




Barony of Fallmere

Barony of Fallmere


Aaron ShepherdAaron ShepherdScholar, alchemist, sorcerer's apprentice.
Serena WalkertonSerena WalkertonSorcerer's apprentice.
Ensel RheEnsel RheAn eslar mercenary.
Evan KingsleyEvan KingsleyKing's Patroller.
Balrabbek Ren ArapathaBalrabbek Ren ArapathaAristocrat and business tycoon. Killed by Ensel Rhe.
GerwynGerwynKrill weapons master.
GrigorGrigorRaspel pilot.
Ingrid Kane KalaraIngrid Kane KalaraAn eslar trader.
Jakinda Rhe AlonJakinda Rhe AlonDaughter of Ensel Rhe.
Rhuda AshlynRhuda AshlynKing's Patroller.
UrsoolUrsoolA witch.

Brighton’s Residents

Arlen WalkertonArlen WalkertonSerena's father.
BekjrisBekjrisA raspel. Crime-lord of Brighton.
Bella KelmBella KelmAdopted daughter of Thorvid Kelm.
Chane TaldmanChane TaldmanSteward of the House of Walkerton.
Clyde MantockClyde MantockInn proprietor.
DasindaDasindaA Sunken Slums fortuneteller.
Emily StewartEmily StewartA childhood acquaintance of Serena's.
Helen AldredHelen AldredCity guard captain.
JadjinJadjinA healer.
Marcel DadehillMarcel DadehillLord Chancellor of Kettering.
NodNodBella's driver and bodyguard.
Persimmius FalconianPersimmius FalconianMysteriarch and pyromancer. Serena's first master.
RachelRachelA kitchen scullion.
Rohan FuchsRohan FuchsCaptain of the Earl's Guard.
RolfRolfOne of Thorvid's henchmen.
Thorvid KelmThorvid KelmDwarven crime boss.
Trevin SmallTrevin SmallCity guardsman. Clyde's brother-in-law.
Verna WalkertonVerna WalkertonSerena's mother.


Bromsgrove’s Residents

Endal CarantusEndal CarantusMilitia captain. Killed during an undead attack.
Marcy UllocMarcy UllocMayor of Bromsgrove.


Fire Rock Dwarves

Ardus ArkorArdus ArkorRaider, explosives expert.
Kimlor RuskKimlor RuskRaider, stone expert.

The Griffin’s Crew

Alice BriggsAlice BriggsCommander/first mate, former quartermaster.
Blyden KregBlyden KregFormer captain.
Cassip ReedCassip ReedShip's cook.
Lundy MortimarLundy MortimarFormer boatswain.
Miles StanworthMiles StanworthBoatswain.
Rail JenkinsRail JenkinsA cabin boy.
Rebecca StratumRebecca "Beck" StratumChief engineer.
Sedgewick GylesSedgewick GylesAtmospheric engineer.
Tippin RoeTippin RoeMaster-at-arms. Former army sergeant.


High Holt & Mercenary Camp

BarnabusBarnabusArena master.
KailaKailaAnolgan mercenary.


The Mavens

Aden StavengerAden StavengerLieutenant.
MagnusMagnus "The Anvil"Mercenary and blacksmith.
Sable ShadowclawSable ShadowclawMercenary and thief.
SilasSilasMercenary and cleric.
ZargZarg the SteadyHaurek mercenary and minstrel.


Omega Agazi (Eslar)

Asir MorrakAsir MorrakPrivate. Killed descending into the Underland.
Chaydam OmachChaydam OmachCorporal.
Ilim Ery EldreesIlim Ery EldreesLieutenant.
Korum Kay ColeKorum Kay ColeCommander.
Lista MarastLista MarastPrivate.


The Pack

KrosusKrosusHoundmaster, demon.
Hounds of BarathrumHounds of BarathrumHell hounds. Carnage (Ugoshatha), Havoc (Shatach), Ravage (Sthu), Ruin (Sarshuath), Shatter (Elaqus), Agony (Hugony), Mayhem (Yathathac), Misery (Ggothista), Scourge (Uzulthoma), Discord (Mmazstagoth), Turmoil (Bhacthu), Terror (Zhac-kitha).

Rockhaven’s Residents

Durant ChandlerDurant ChandlerField Marshal of Rockhaven's army.
Malcolm RobertsMalcolm RobertsBaron of Agratis and Lord of Rockhaven.


Xirklx’s Residents (Skeva)

AcharatAcharatShaman and chieftain of Xirklx.
DilgeDilgeShodeth warrior.
IstanIstanShodeth warrior.
NaikalNaikalShodeth warrior.
PothPothShodeth warrior.
PurcilPurcilTinkerer rat.


Barony of FallmereBarony of FallmereA rugged, coastal barony.
Dormont ForestDormont ForestAncient forest steeped in lore.
Grey HillsGrey HillsMisty, lonely hills.
Norwynne KeepNorwynne KeepA remote oceanside city-keep.
The UnderkeepThe UnderkeepAbandoned dwarven city beneath Norwynne Keep.
Ursool's HouseUrsool's HouseUrsool's home in the woods.
Wildemoore ManorWildemoore ManorRemote wilderness home of Master Ansanom.

Barony of Agratis

A barony grown rich from its lumber and trade agreements with Brighton. Agratis is ruled by Lord Malcolm Roberts.

Barony of Rulana

The richest and most prosperous of Kettering's territories, Rulana is ruled from Brighton not by a baron, but by the Earl of Kettering himself.


A prosperous city located at the joining of three rivers, the Silvercross, Highbrook, and Whitecrest. It is the seat of power for the entire earldom and is known for its shipbuilding industry and as a trading gateway to the Barrens Ocean.

Earldom of Kettering

The southwestern territory of the fiefdom of Seacea. Made up of the baronies of Agratis, Fallmere, and Rulana. Kettering is ruled by the Roberts family.


An ancient city in the Grimmere supposedly rich in lost treasure and relics.


A city lying between Norwynne and Brighton on Galway Road.


An ancient Underland city once populated by a learned people of scientists and mathematicians but long since abandoned.


Capital of Agratis.

The Underland

A vast land deep beneath the surface populated by a diverse array of civilizations and peoples.

Valley of the Damned

A place of legend. Once a thriving civilization prospered here, but its people disappeared and were never heard from again.


An underground city located beneath Brighton.

The Series

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