Crystal Rain by Tobias Buckell
Crystal Rain by Tobias Buckell is a "Caribbean style" science fiction novel with a little bit different style because of that. While I did enjoy the world building, I wasn't initially intrigued enough to jump into the next book in the series. Eventually I did, though, and I loved Buckell's other installments....
Read MoreSeeds of Change by John Joseph Adams (editor)
Seeds of Change attempts to confront many of the pivotal issues facing our society, such as racism, global warming, peak oil, technological advancement, and political revolution. How well it does this I will leave up to the reader to decide. What the anthology does deliver on for sure is a thought-provoking array of fiction that I enjoyed reading....
Read MoreSly Mongoose by Tobias Buckell
Sly Mongoose by Tobias Buckell is a fast-paced science fiction novel that centers around Pepper, an elite soldier whose primary duty is the preservation of the human race (kicking ass is his other priority). A fun read that I highly recommend....
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