
Dasinda was born in the far-off Southlands, part of a nomadic tribe that wandered the vast deserts and plains, living off the land and their unique skills in trade, music, and fortunetelling. From a young age, Dasinda showed a natural gift for reading the cards and interpreting omens. Her mother, a skilled seer, passed down the ancient knowledge of their people, teaching her how to read the winds, stars, and signs that most others overlooked.

Life in the Southlands was harsh, and Dasinda learned resilience early. However, a tragic event—a raid on her tribe by marauding bandits—forced her to flee with her two young sons. Seeking a fresh start, they traveled north, eventually arriving in Brighton, a city as foreign and chaotic as the Southlands were familiar.

The Sunken Slums, rife with crime and decay, became Dasinda’s home out of necessity. It was the only place she could afford, and though life there was hard, Dasinda found ways to make it work. Her fortunetelling skills, honed over the years, became her means of survival. She set up a modest stall where people of all walks of life—criminals, nobles, and desperate souls alike—came to hear their fortunes told. Her reputation spread, and though many viewed her with suspicion, even fear, Dasinda never lacked for clients.

Ensel Rhe had not gone far when a woman accosted him.

“A weight has recently been lifted from you,” she said. “But soon another will take its place.”

Leaning within a smoky doorway, she had the look of the Southern Reaches about her. Dark hair, with only a slightly less dark, middle-aged complexion, she wore the flamboyant colors of a gypsy fortuneteller and held a smoking, rolled leaf between two fingers. Her comment intrigued him enough to stop.

“I am Dasinda.” She took another pull from her smoke before blowing the air from her lungs in a fine cone of grayish-white. “I will tell you about your future. Come!” Without waiting to see if he agreed, she disappeared inside.


Her two sons have grown up in Brighton, and though Dasinda has worked hard to provide for them, she worries they may be drawn into the dangerous world of the slums. Despite her struggles, Dasinda has no intention of leaving Brighton. She has carved out a niche for herself, and her ability to see beyond the veil of the present has given her a quiet but powerful influence over those seeking her counsel.

Though her life is far from what she imagined as a young girl in the Southlands, Dasinda remains focused on her craft, knowing that every reading and prediction is another step toward securing a better future for herself and her sons.


Dasinda first appears in The Nullification Engine (The Alchemancer Book Two).

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