Engus Rul

Engus Rul comes from a long line of distinguished dwarven warriors. His family has served as protectors and warriors of the Fire Rock Clan for generations. Engus grew up hearing tales of his ancestors' great deeds and was trained to follow in their footsteps from a young age. He quickly rose through the ranks, earning a reputation for his tactical prowess and calm under pressure.

Despite his loyalty, Engus has always been a thinker and more reflective than many of his kin. He's not as quick to embrace war or alliances that seem driven by personal ambition, which is why Kelgin's decision to align with Erlek troubles him deeply. Engus believes the Fire Rock Clan's strength lies in its independence and honor, and this pact with Erlek feels like a betrayal of those values.

Engus Rul thought of only one thing as he watched the last of the prisoners being put back into their cages: leaving. Not just their current encampment, but this scraggy corner of Seacea and the whole of the fiefdom to boot. Leave it all behind and never return. There were riper, easier targets for his raiders. Ones that did not involve deals with the devil, nor the machinations of black sorcery.


Still, Engus is no rebel. He respects the chain of command and believes that questioning Kelgin openly would only sow discord within the clan. His loyalty supersedes his doubts about its leadership. Instead, Engus adopts a wait-and-see approach, hoping that Kelgin's choices won't lead the clan into ruin. He carries the burden of his inner conflict silently, serving with distinction while keeping his concerns private.


Engus Rul first appears in Engines of Alchemancy (The Alchemancer Book One).

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