After joining the Alzion patrollers at seventeen, Evan Kingsley quickly adapted to the solitary nature of the role. With a fierce determination to protect the Four Fiefdoms, he embraced the challenges of patrolling the vast and often perilous wilderness alone. His rugged good looks and charm made him popular among the villagers he encountered, but it was in the stillness of the forest and the quiet of night where he truly found himself.
Evan’s skill as a tracker and fighter allowed him to navigate the most treacherous terrains and face threats head-on. In those early years, he undertook a series of solo missions, scouting potential dangers to communities and gathering intelligence on bandit groups and other malevolent forces. His reputation grew as he quickly neutralized threats that loomed over small villages, often arriving just in time to thwart disaster. He feels strongly connected to the people he encounters, frequently returning to share stories and ensure they know they have not been forgotten.
Over the years, Evan encountered many challenges—fierce creatures, dark sorcery, and ruthless brigands who tested his mettle. Each confrontation further honed his skills and deepened his longing for answers about his origins. Whispers of ancient prophecies concerning Alzion stirred his curiosity, hinting at a connection he couldn’t ignore. Though he prides himself on his independence, the fragmentary histories he heard from villagers began to entwine with his own, suggesting that his fate may be larger than he expected.
“I should warn you, mother,” Evan Kingsley said to Ursool as they passed through Eastern Gate, “you may find Brighton a wonderful place at first, but it’s a big city like any other. Chances are, if someone’s too friendly, they’re acting that way because they want something from you. Dark alleys are dark for a reason. Stay clear of them. And if someone asks you for directions and wishes for you to show them the way, they’re likely about to beat you over the head and rob you blind.”
Ursool cast Evan a sidelong glance. “You do not think very highly of people, do you?”
“I think people are capable of a great many things, and that one should always be wary around them.
Through it all, Evan learned to rely on his wits and instincts. He fashioned himself into a master of survival, developing traps, using the land’s resources, and embedding himself into the wilderness as if it were an extension of his very being. His thoughts often wander to the legacy of Alzion and the devastating loss it suffered. With every village he aided, he vowed to honor that legacy, possibly forging his own place in history.
Now, at thirty, Evan embodies the spirit of the Alzion patrollers—a solitary protector who stands resilient against the threat of invasion. Even though he walks alone, he is determined to reclaim the honor of the fallen Hall, all while safeguarding the future of the Four Fiefdoms.
Evan first appears in The Nullification Engine (The Alchemancer Book Two).