Grey Hills
The Grey Hills have existed for millennia, formed by ancient geological upheaval that created the rocky terrain and misty atmosphere that envelops them. Long before recorded history, these hills were revered by the Indigenous tribes of Uhl, who believed the land was sacred. They established shrines within the dells to honor the spirits of nature, particularly the Wind Spirit, whom they believed roamed the hills, whispering wisdom through the fog.
By the year 100, the Grey Hills became the site of legendary battles as various factions vied to control the hills. Tales tell of great heroes who fought against marauding bands hoping to claim the region. As stories spread, the hills gained a reputation as a place where warriors would be tested, and many met their demise. The echoes of their screams could still be heard by those brave enough to traverse the rocky terrain.
As the political landscape shifted, the Barony of Fallmere was established in the middle of the Age of Change, encompassing the Grey Hills within its borders. The Baron's knights would patrol these lands, guarding against threats from the south. Ironically, their travels help spread tales of ghostly figures that roamed the hills at night until soon, the hills, once seen as a symbol of strength, took on an aura of dread. The ghostly specters of warriors killed in battle began to appear more frequently, and strange occurrences plagued the area, such as unexplained disappearances and the haunting sounds of battle echoing through the ravines.
In recent years, the barren beauty of the Grey Hills has drawn adventurers and treasure hunters despite the many warnings. As the fog thickens, it obscures the remnants of the ancient past, leaving many to ponder the true history woven into the very stones of the Grey Hills. The eerie landscape is once again alive with stories of courage, loss, and the lingering presence of those who once called it home.