Ingrid Kane Kalara

Ingrid Kane was born into a prestigious family of scientists in Isia, the gleaming capital city of Panthora. From a young age, her stark white eyes glimmered with curiosity, drawing her toward the complexities of the eslar body and mind. Panthora, a nation known for its advanced scientific achievements, fostered her talents, and she quickly rose through the ranks of the Institute of Medicine & Science.

Ingrid’s fascination with healing went beyond treating illness—she sought to understand the very essence of life, pushing the boundaries of science to discover ways to extend longevity, reverse aging, and regenerate damaged tissue. Her work gained notoriety as she successfully developed treatments that allowed for miraculous recoveries. However, her relentless pursuit of knowledge soon led her to experiment with forbidden sciences—an area known as “vital extraction,” a process that siphoned life force from one being to heal another. Though controversial, Ingrid saw it as a necessary sacrifice for the greater good.

Her secretive experiments began to attract unwanted attention. Whispers of unethical practices surrounded her name, but she continued undeterred, driven by the belief that she was on the verge of discovering the secret to immortality. Ingrid’s methods grew darker as she ventured into experiments that manipulated the core of life itself, using willing and, at times, unwilling subjects from the fringes of society.

Ingrid Kane was there, steeped in shadow with her back to him as, much like the last time he saw her, she busied herself with a metatonic encorder. Aaron saw her head shift to take him in, but it was a quick gesture, and then she returned to her work.

“I knew you wouldn’t leave,” she said from over a shoulder. “The allure of science is too great. The question about what comes next, too tantalizing.”

Aaron ignored her rhetoric. “How are you still alive?”

Ingrid kept working, acting as if she hadn’t heard him.

Aaron hesitated to get too close, but something was distinctly different about Ingrid that was hard to make out in the dim light. Curious, Aaron held his lantern high and moved close enough to see her in detail. What he saw nearly caused him to drop his light. “What happened to you?”


Over time, her success isolated her. Friends and colleagues either feared or envied her, and Ingrid came to rely solely on her ambition. By necessity, she learned to navigate the twisting byways of commerce in order to acquire the substances, alchemicals, and equipment she needed to continue her work. Eventually, she was forced to leave Panthora, labeled a rogue scientist by the very institution that had once praised her. Now, she continues her research in the shadows, hiding her brilliance and moral descent from prying eyes, forever seeking the ultimate breakthrough in healing—no matter the cost


Ingrid Kane first appears in The Nullification Engine (The Alchemancer Book Two).

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