Isadora Bloodstone is a blood witch of the highest order. As beautiful as she is wicked, she burns with an uncontrollable passion to dominate others. She is quick to anger and even quicker to bring her power to bear. A true sociopath, she cares little for others, though she will sometimes form a twisted sort of bond with the rare individual who can survive her machinations. But woe to anyone who bests her, for Isadora is a spiteful creature whose cruelty knows no bounds.
Little is known of Isadora’s life before becoming a blood witch, though some believe she hails from the gypsy community of Shantywall. Her sharp features, fair skin, and scarlet hair speak of such an origin, though no one knows for certain.
Given Isadora’s aptitude for witchcraft, she likely comes from a line of witches that extends at least to her biological mother and possibly beyond.
Spinning around, a single figure ominously dressed in a midnight black robe confronted me. The person’s features were concealed beneath a hood, but not for long, as delicate white hands lowered the hood to reveal a woman’s face. Scarlet hair was tied in an elaborate braid, green eyes sparkled, and an amused smirk lit her face. Though the evening’s soft rain persisted, not a drop of it touched the woman.
“My name is Isadora,” she said in a purr.
- The Assassin’s Cunning / Blood Witch
Isadora once had a coven sister named Mathilda, but after Mathilda betrayed her, Isadora swore the worst sort of vengeance on her. She has made hunting down Mathilda one of her highest priorities.
As a blood witch, Isadora can steal the memories of others by draining their blood. Similarly, she will also gain another’s strength and powers when performing this same ritual. She can become a blood-red gaseous cloud and possesses supernatural strength. Her powers of seduction are not supernatural per se, but her sensual demeanor and air of mystique no doubt contribute to this special talent of hers.
Isadora’s last name signifies her membership in a rare and exclusive sect of witches called the Bloodstone Coven. Made up of twelve blood witches, the coven is as secretive as it is powerful. Few have heard the coven’s name, which is by design since its members desire neither attention nor fame. If someone whispers the name Bloodstone, the witches’ hope is that those who hear turn away from the speaker, make the sign to ward off evil, and go about their business as if they heard nothing. As for the rare person who has intimate knowledge of the coven, should they broadcast this information too far or wide, they almost always will soon find themselves bereft of their blood and their life.
Isadora is a high-ranking member of the Bloodstone Coven, outranked only by the coven’s witch mother. It would be naïve to think Isadora does not have designs to become her coven’s witch mother one day, whether by natural progression or by other, more manipulative means.
Isadora first appears in The Assassin's Cunning (Assassin Without a Name Book Two).