Korum Kay Cole

Born into the salty air of the Argalos Isles, Korum Kay Cole grew up with the rhythm of waves and the call of seabirds as constant companions. The Cole family name carried weight among the naval circles of Panthora, representing generations of service and sacrifice upon the waters of the Miradathia Sea. His father, a decorated captain, and his mother, a skilled navigator, instilled in him a deep respect for tradition and an understanding that true leadership requires independent thought.

Young Korum displayed an early aptitude for both martial prowess and magical arts. While other children played with wooden swords, he split his time between combat training and studying the fundamental principles of sorcery. His magical abilities never reached the heights of dedicated mages, but he learned to weave spells effectively enough to complement his fighting style.

The decision to join the Panthoran Navy came naturally, though not from blind adherence to family tradition. Korum recognized the value of naval service in developing leadership skills and tactical understanding. His early years at sea proved transformative. He learned to read weather patterns, navigate treacherous waters, and, most importantly, lead men through dangerous situations.

“Your name?” Ensel Rhe asked.

“Korum Kay Cole, Commander of the Omega Agazi. You murdered one of my lieutenants. We found his body floating in one of the canals.”

“Perhaps he drowned.”

“The slash across his neck suggests otherwise.”

“Anyone could have killed him.”

“I have witnesses who claim it was another eslar.”

Ensel Rhe shrugged. “I gave him a clean death, which is more than he deserved.”


During his naval service, Korum's unconventional thinking caught the attention of his superiors. Where others saw problems, he found opportunities. His solutions often challenged traditional military doctrine, but their effectiveness was undeniable. This combination of tactical innovation and practical leadership drew the interest of the Omega Agazi recruiters.

The transition from naval officer to elite soldier brought new challenges. The Omega Agazi demanded perfection in all aspects of warfare, pushing Korum to hone every skill at his disposal. His magical abilities, though modest, provided an edge in combat situations, while his tactical mind helped him grasp complex battlefield strategies.

Rising through the Omega Agazi ranks required more than just martial skills. Korum's ability to inspire loyalty among his troops proved invaluable. He led from the front, sharing hardships with his men and earning their respect through action rather than authority alone. His willingness to question orders when necessary earned him admirers and critics among the higher ranks.

As commander, Korum Kay transformed the units under his command into highly effective fighting forces. He emphasized adaptability and independent thinking, encouraging his soldiers to understand how to follow orders and why those orders were given. This approach sometimes put him at odds with more traditional military leaders, but the results spoke for themselves.

The Argalos Isles shaped more than just Korum's military career. The independent spirit of the islanders influenced his leadership style, encouraging him to value individual initiative within the framework of military discipline. He understood that the strongest chain required each link to be sturdy and flexible.

Throughout his career, Korum maintained connections to his naval roots, often incorporating maritime strategies into land-based operations. His understanding of sea and land warfare made him valuable in coastal operations, where his units excelled at amphibious warfare.

The weight of command sits naturally on Korum's shoulders, a product of his upbringing and experiences. His presence on the battlefield brings confidence to his troops, who trust his tactical judgment and concern for their welfare. Under his leadership, the Omega Agazi continue to evolve, maintaining their elite status while adapting to new challenges.


Korum Kay first appears in The Alchemist's Forge (The Alchemancer Book Four).

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