Lundy Mortimar

Lundy Mortimar was born in the squalid dockside slums of Port Grimrock, a notorious haven for smugglers, cutthroats, and ne'er-do-wells. His father, Darius Mortimar, was a dockworker with a penchant for cheap gin and a quick temper. His mother, Mara, was a laundress who spent more time in the local taverns than at home. Young Lundy learned early on that survival meant being tougher and meaner than those around him.

By age eight, Lundy was already running with a gang of street urchins, picking pockets and engaging in petty theft. His natural cunning and willingness to use violence quickly made him a leader among the youth. As he grew older, his crimes escalated, and by sixteen, he was involved in smuggling operations and protection rackets.

Lundy's luck ran out at eighteen when he was caught during a botched warehouse heist. Faced with a lengthy prison sentence, he was offered a choice: join the Seacean Navy or rot in a cell. Seeing it as a chance for a fresh start (and to avoid the noose), Lundy reluctantly enlisted.

Without looking up, Captain Kreg muttered, “That will be all, Mr. Mortimar.”

The bosun’s mate came to full attention, saluted, then sauntered for the door. On his way past Jacob, he stopped suddenly, raised his arms, and made to lunge at his commanding officer. Surprised, Jacob flinched, which was exactly the reaction the bosun’s mate was after. Lundy winked once more at Jacob, then left. Jacob heard him chuckling all the way out.


Naval life initially seemed to suit Lundy. The strict discipline and hierarchical structure played to his strengths, and he found he had a natural aptitude for seamanship. However, his inability to curb his violent tendencies and his disrespect for authority constantly landed him in trouble. Despite this, he rose to the rank of petty officer due to his skills and ability to get results, often through fear and intimidation.

Lundy's naval career ended abruptly after five years of service. During a shore leave in a foreign port, he severely beat a local magistrate's son in a tavern brawl, causing a diplomatic incident. The navy, already weary of his behavioral issues, used this as an excuse to dishonorably discharge him.

Cast adrift and bitter, Lundy found himself back in the criminal underworld. During this time, he met Captain Kreg, who recognized Lundy's potential and didn't care about his past as long as he got results. Kreg offered Lundy a position as bosun's mate aboard his airship, the Griffin, seeing in him a kindred spirit who wouldn't shy away from the occasional act of piracy or smuggling.

Aboard the Griffin, Lundy finally found a place where his harsh methods were not just tolerated but encouraged. His experiences in the navy, combined with his criminal background, made him an effective, if feared, leader among the crew. He took a perverse pleasure in tormenting the more straight-laced first officer, Jacob Madison, seeing in him all the naval pomposity he despised.

Despite his gruff exterior and violent tendencies, Lundy harbors deep-seated insecurities stemming from his troubled upbringing. He masks his emotional pain with cruelty and alcohol, never allowing anyone to see the vulnerable child still lurking beneath the surface. His loyalty to Captain Kreg stems from a desperate need for approval, which he never received from his father.

Lundy Mortimar remains a complex character, capable of both extreme brutality and, on rare occasions, surprising acts of loyalty. He's a man shaped by a harsh world who believes that only through strength and fear can one command respect and ensure survival.


Lundy first appears in The Nullification Engine (The Alchemancer Book Two).

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