Marcus Nelson grew up in the plush confines of a well-to-do family, nestled in the opulent surroundings of Thesia, the capital city of Vranna, known for its bustling trade and commerce. His father, a prominent merchant with a keen sense of business, groomed Marcus to inherit the family enterprise from a young age. Wealth flowed through their elegant home, along with the usual pretensions and expectations that came with their status. Despite all this privilege, Marcus felt out of place, stifled by the rigid structures of the merchant life that seemed to promise nothing but monotony.
From an early age, Marcus yearned for excitement and purpose. He often found solace in tales of brave warriors and cunning tacticians, dreaming of charges in battle and the thrill of victory rather than the mundane negotiations of trade. He spent hours practicing with wooden swords and shadows, honing his skills as a swordsman and a thinker. The stories of valiant mercenaries captivated him, igniting a fire that eventually proved impossible to quell.
At the precipice of adulthood, Marcus abandoned the path laid out for him. Choosing the uncertain but enticing life of a mercenary, he set out to carve his own destiny, leaving behind his family’s legacy without a backward glance. Marcus signed on with numerous mercenary companies, each time climbing the ranks based on his swordsmanship and quick wit. With every new company, he proved himself a skilled tactician, adept at devising plans that led to victories in skirmishes and battles across the war-torn Freelands.
Lieutenant Nelson flashed us a wicked grin as he and the other Guardsmen closed on us. I moved both hands to the hilts of my long knives, ready and waiting for the first to make his move. Then one did, except it wasn’t one of the mercs standing against us but Captain Belford himself. The captain drew his long sword in one fluid motion and threw himself at Lieutenant Nelson.
“So, this is how it is?” Belford yelled, hacking at the lieutenant. “If it’s a fight you bastards want, then it’s a fight you’ll get.”
However, ambition coursed through Marcus like an unquenchable wildfire, always driving him to seek the next opportunity. After joining the Black Guard under Captain Geoffrey Belford, he identified the potential for advancement. The Black Guard was known for its discipline and effectiveness, but Marcus recognized that the captain’s position was the pinnacle he aspired to reach. Though he respects Captain Belford’s tactical mind and leadership, a simmering envy brews beneath the surface.
While Marcus retains a charm and likability that garners admiration from his comrades, he is not above employing cunning and trickery to strengthen his position. He often engages in subtle machinations, gathering information and forming alliances that could provide an advantage when it came time to earn respect or influence within the ranks. Others might view his actions with disdain, but Marcus confines himself to the belief that the ends justify the means. After all, war requires more than mere bravery. It requires cunning.
While his ambition often paints a solitary picture, Marcus maintains connections with fellow soldiers who admire his skill and determination. He seeks to turn these relationships into stepping stones, convinced he can manipulate solidarity through calculated camaraderie. The thought of stepping into Captain Belford’s shoes often occupies his mind, and he obsesses over strategies to undermine his captain’s authority, even if only through insinuation or the whispers of discontent.
Marcus first appears in The Assassin's Cunning (Assassin Without a Name Book Two).