Serena Walkerton’s life has not followed the path anyone expected. From early on, she was trained in the many nuances of being a lady by her mother, Verna Walkerton. Verna’s plan was for Serena to marry well and thus elevate the House of Walkerton to new heights on Brighton’s social ladder. But those carefully laid plans were thrown out the window when Serena began to exhibit an aptitude for magic and, even worse in Verna’s eyes, a streak of stubborn independence that motivated Serena to want to pursue her training as a sorceress.
Though her mother was initially against the idea, Serena’s unrelenting passion and some help from her father, Arlen, wore Verna down until she finally capitulated, allowing Serena to apprentice under her first master, a sorcerer local to Brighton named Persimmius Falconian.
Serena is fortunate to come from a family of modest wealth since pursuing magic is not without its costs. Too soon, though, Serena learns those costs are sometimes more than financial as scandal ensues, and she finds herself relocated far outside the city to Wildemoore Manor. There, Serena enters a new apprenticeship under the master sorcerer, Ansanom. Wildemoore is a remote, lonely abode, and Serena soon finds herself bored and wishing for the company of others, even if such company includes her mother.
Serena coursed her power into the ground, where she blasted it from the earth directly beneath the demon, surrounding him in a crackling cage of magical energy. The brilliance infiltrated the demon’s every part, flashing across his black armor, horned helm, and shield until he shook from its intensity. Serena wasn’t done. She added weight to the demon’s armor, piling it on so Krosus’s knees bent from the strain. She did the same to his sword until it fell from his hand. His shield remained on his arm, but the extra weight dragged his one side down further than the other, so as he struggled to reach Serena, the best he managed was a cripple’s lurching gait. “Ha!” Serena shouted. “That’ll teach you to come looking for me and my friends.”
Serena is fifteen years old, and while she has proven herself a practitioner of exceptional ability, she very much remains a sorceress in training. She was born and raised in the city of Brighton in the Earldom of Kettering.
Serena’s attunement to her sri, or life force energy, rivals that of any master sorcerer. However, as an apprentice, she lacks the discipline to properly harness and channel that energy. Tutelage, first under Persimmius and then Ansanom, has not solved that problem, leaving Serena unsure of herself but still longing to master her abilities. As a practitioner of the art, the world is hers to bend to her will, provided such will is disciplined enough. Of the magic she feels comfortable casting, she can easily heat a pot, automate a broom or mop to clean, or open a locked door. She remains less confident about controlling ancient elemental relics or how she will fare in a confrontation if she ever finds herself in one.
Serena first appears in Engines of Alchemancy (The Alchemancer Book One).