The Underkeep was carved from the rock by the industrious dwarves of the Ironhold Clan, renowned for their masterful craftsmanship and tunnel-building skills. They designed the Underkeep as a vast subterranean city with intricate passageways, grand halls, and rich veins of precious minerals.
Over generations, the dwarves created an advanced society, thriving on commerce, artistry, and an expansive network of tunnels that connected them to other underground realms. The Underkeep became the envy of many, a place where ingenuity and tradition intertwined and where the glow of forging fire became the pulse of the city.
As the construction of the Underkeep flourished, a human settlement began to emerge above it—Norwynne Keep. Initially, the two civilizations maintained a relationship based on trade and cooperation. The dwarves, eager to share their resources, often supplied the humans with precious metals and expertly forged weapons in exchange for food and textiles from the surface.
The harmony lastingly shattered when a catastrophic event struck the region. Norwynne Keep, which often held back the tide of a goblin invasion from the Alzion Mountains, was struck a heavy blow when a coven of goblin witches unleashed a massive earthquake on the city-keep. The Underkeep was not immune to this attack. The quake caused significant structural damage to the Underkeep and triggered cave-ins that sealed off many lower levels.
In the wake of such chaos, rumors spread of dwarves vanishing without a trace. Compounding the mystery, a dark omen—a sinister shadow creeping across the underground—only hastened the dwarves’ decision to abandon their ancestral home. The Ironhold Clan sealed the deep entrances to the Underkeep and left behind their once-thriving civilization.
After the dwarves’ departure, the humans of Norwynne Keep cautiously explored the upper levels of the Underkeep. They established a meager presence, converting some chambers into storage and barracks, but avoided venturing deeper into the abandoned dwarven city. The stories of ghosts and curses kept many away, yet a sense of adventure lured a few brave explorers to search for the fabled treasures said to remain deep below the surface.
Over the years, various adventurers have descended into the Underkeep, seeking the riches the dwarves left behind, but they have consistently returned empty-handed. The deeper levels are shrouded in darkness, and those who attempted to forge through the heavy stone doors report hearing echoes and whispers as if the city still held onto its old secrets.