Verna Walkerton grew up in Brighton, immersed in the comforts of a moderately wealthy family whose success came from her father’s ventures in commerce. Her father instilled in her a belief that financial stability was merely a starting point and that genuine respect came from social status. With this in mind, Verna grew up determined to elevate herself in Brighton’s society. She became a master of charm and social maneuvering, developing relationships and favoring people who could help her climb the social ladder.
Meeting Arlen Walkerton was a pivotal moment for Verna. Though his background was more modest, his intelligence, stability, and role as an adjudicator appealed to her aspirations. Arlen was hesitant about her ambitions but ultimately found her persuasive. Their marriage allowed Verna to mingle within the higher social circles of Brighton, gaining connections previously beyond her reach.
“We sent you to Wildemoore with high hopes, Serena,” Lady Verna Walkerton said with pinched lips. She was as tall as Serena remembered, with those same icy, unblinking eyes whose memory had too often stolen sleep from her. Everything about her mother was in perfect alignment. Her blonde hair was done up without a single strand out of place. Her rouge and liner, applied without flaw. The dress she wore, somber black from neck to ankle, possessed neither a single wrinkle nor crease.
“High hopes I’d never return?” Serena asked.
Verna sighed. “You know that is not true. You were supposed to have learned to control your abilities under Master Ansanom’s tutelage. Instead, you destroyed the man’s home and ended his life. This is not progress, Serena.”
When their daughter, Serena, began displaying a talent for magic, Verna initially saw it as a setback to her plans for a favorable marriage for Serena. However, Verna’s pride in Serena’s abilities and Arlen’s support led her to reluctantly allow Serena to pursue her magical training. The scandal following Serena’s first apprenticeship, which forced her into isolation at Wildemoore Manor, deeply upset Verna. While Arlen focused on Serena’s safety and well-being, Verna worried about their family’s social standing. She hopes that Serena’s skills will eventually reflect positively on the family, but Verna remains wary, prioritizing the restoration of her family’s reputation.
Verna’s relationship with Arlen has since grown strained, as she often feels frustrated by his more reserved approach to social maneuvering. Nonetheless, Verna continues her attempts to influence the circles around her, determined to secure the recognition she believes the Walkerton name deserves.
Verna first appears in The Nullification Engine (The Alchemancer Book Two).